Jessa Sparks

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Hatchlings Game Jam

June 18, 2019

This past weekend my sister Davien and I participated in the Hatchlings Game Jam. It was a 36 hour event where people came together to create all types of games. I've had a couple game ideas I've been wanting to work on for years. This seemed like a good way to meet new people and jump start one of my game projects.

The game we decided to make is a number game we named Elimination (for lack of a better name). The premise of the game is you are given a collection of numbers between 1-9 and try to…

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Tags: Development

Hello World

May 26, 2019

Welcome to my new blog/website! I wasn't necessarily planning to start a blog, but I stumbled upon a tweet about a new .dev TLD (top level domain) being released. I thought it would be pretty cool to have so I quickly snatched it up.

I decided this would be a good opportunity to try out Gatsby, a React framework for creating "blazing fast" websites. I attended a dsmJS talk about it several months ago and it looked interesting. Overall I found Gatsby to be pretty easy to use. It has…

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Tags: Development



Developer, Mom, Runner